About Us

Kingsman Realty is a highly recognized and trusted agency in the real estate sector for our uncompromising equality when it comes to our results and services. We have worked with more than 30 developers and managed properties with a total value of RM11 billion. In this ever-changing era, we have revolutionized the traditional way of working for an agency.

Our Mission & Vision

To be Malaysia’s No.1 Most Reputable Real Estate Platform by providing the most trusted services by leaving profound property purchasing experiences to every customer.

In tandem, we want to provide the best entrepreneurial platform, to nurture ordinaries achieving impossible dreams.

"We only strive to give the best. We never compromise.
We want to be Better Than Best."

Terence TAN – Founder

Our Specialties

Project Sales

Our Integrated Services

Kingsman Realty believes in providing holistic service to our clients through our value-added one-stop solutions. Some of the professional services are:

Property Management

No matter what type of property it is, our team of specialists can help you manage it in all areas.

Business Development

We will support the growth of your property with our great understanding of the unique needs of the market.


Are you looking to invest in commercial real estate? We can help you with our range of services and expertise, including consultancy.

Education & Training

Learn new skills and leverage on Big Data and innovative platforms to maximise your potential in the real estate industry.

Project Implementation

Every project is unique but with Kingsman Realty, our team is able to take the project from start to finish with that bespoke touch.

Marketing Services

Looking to market your property and find the right buyer? Our consultants are always ready to take your property to the next level.

Current Project

Bamboo Hills

KL North, KL

Arte Star

Sg Besi, KL

Gen Starz

Old Klang Road, KL


North Kiara, KL

Tuan Heritag3

Duta North, KL

Residensi Zig

Kiara Bay, KL

Developers Who Trust Us

Awards & Accolades

Kingsman Family

Whether you’re new to real estate or have been at it for years, we’re here for you. Our personalized approach to providing you with the right tools and skills is designed to ensure that you’ll succeed. At Kingsman, we treat each other like family and offer support and collaboration you’re unlikely to find elsewhere.

Contact us

We’re here to help. So let us know what you’re interested in, or what you’re looking for, and we’ll get back to you shortly.